Tavantolgoi station

Tavantolgoi station is a strategically important facility built for transportation of coal from Tavantolgoi group of deposits in Tsogtsetsii sum of Umunogobi province. In addition to managing train traffic on the Tavantolgoi-Gashuunsukhait and Tavantolgoi-Tsogttsei lines, 6 stations are remotely controlled.

Tavantolgoi station has an automated management workplace and train traffic management system /STS/, station management system /OSS/, camera control system for monitoring all stations and violations /CCTV/, automatic photo software, rolling stock control system /5T/, security system /SCADA/, traffic control is equipped with key counter systems. It differs from other stations in that it delivers coal to wagons 24 hours a day from Tavantolgoi Coal Loading Logistics Center and Ukhaa Khud Circle Branch Roads without removing the locomotive from the train.



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