About Us
Tavantolgoi Railway LLC was established on August 8, 2018, to expand the Mongolian economy, create new turnover, and operate in railway infrastructure construction, operation, transportation, and rolling stock maintenance.
Our story
Our company is a specialized railway engineering company that operates in the main fields of construction, operation, transportation, maintenance of infrastructure and rolling stock.
Goal of the firm
Railway operations and project management will be implemented in accordance with internationally recognized standards that prioritize quality, safety, and national interests.
Resolution No. 242 of the Government of Mongolia dated August 8, 2018, "Mongolian Railways" and "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC jointly established "Tavantolgoi Railway" LLC.
Strategic Plan 2050
The long-term development policy of Mongolia "Vision - 2050" was used as a guideline for the development of the company's strategic plan.